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20TH century toolmaking blacksmith forging hardening

The 20th Century Toolsmith and Steelworker
Copyright 2008, Seven Suns Distribution. A digital reprint of the pivotal 1912 Holford treatise on crafting and repairing Tools and Blacksmithing. 251 pages. Blacksmith, Steel Work, Metalsmith, Machinist.
Packed with Valuable Tips, Including:
* Making and dressing a hand hammer
* Hardening and tempering a hammer
* How to not crack tools when hardening
* Difference between hard and soft steel
* How to draw out, harden and temper an axe that will cleave a hemlock knot
* How to make a gun, revolver, trap and all fine springs
* Woodworker and carpenter tools
* How to forge mallet head tools
* Lathe and planer tools for cutting soft stone
* Dressing tools with the cutting edge bevelled from one side only
* How to make a harnessmaker's knife
* How to make a butcher's steel
* Hardening tools with five projections
* How to harden and temper wire nippers or pliers
* Hardening jaw of pipe vise
* Hardening and tempering pruning shear blades
* Correct meaning of a cherry red heat
* Charcoal for heating steel
* Hardening tools that are forged by another mechanic
* Reasons why tools break when in use
* Hardening very small or thin tools
This exciting blacksmith guide is WORTH IT'S WEIGHT IN GOLD. There is only one on Amazon for a whopping $125! Every question you have about making your own tools, or fixing the substandard tools from China is answered in this essential handbook. Key hints and techniques to help you become a master blacksmith.

20TH century toolmaking blacksmith forging hardening