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Timeclock web business for sale w/ url -marketing tools

How OnlineTimeReporting can help you and your business...
If you are not looking for an online solution, consider taking Online Time Reporting 'in house'! Let us help you solve your time reporting problem. Contact Us today to discuss how Online Time Reporting can help your company!
Going 'in house' gives you a long term, dynamic solution that evolves with your business. Try a free online demo. More features are available if you go 'in house'.
Online Pricing: $5 per user per month OR Discounted Yearly Plans
Here are some specifics about the website and the business:
OnlineTimeReporting.com is a time tracking and time reporting website. Employees login and stamp or enter their time, and at the end of the day will submit their time when it is final. There are a number of settings and three different types of users, as listed below:
SUPER USER FEATURES (for owner and employees)
1) Search all users, hours, and delete and change time as needed/requested on system wide basis.
3) Daylight Settings (if you keep it on a server that does not change time for daylight savings time, you can adjust it here, as well as to match your current location).
1) Enter Time (stamped or manually)
3) Add/ Remove employees (send email notices when adding)
4) Adjust daylight savings time and time zone per employee
6) Add or edit PTO (with PTO Calendar)
9) Contact (dept admin or site admin)
10) User Maintenance (enter time, reset user passwords, change email addresses)
11) Forgot My Password (on homepage for email reminders)
5) Contact (dept or site admin)
The site is just begging to be promoted and begin creating some real revenue.
The site can be sold as a corporate intranet website, which you can sell to businesses to quickly get your return back from your investment, and you can do this multiple times over. You would also be collecting income from the website as it operates on a daily basis.
1) URL (transferred to your name and GoDaddy account)
3) Source code (to deploy the site)
4) Hosting free for one year (on current server)
-OR- load on your own server (Coldfusion & MSSQL)
-OR- I can assist you getting loaded on your own server on a new account (IE. GoDaddy.com or CrystalTech.com).
5) Support to get you up and running.

Timeclock web business for sale w/ url -marketing tools